Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful festive season and are all ready to hit the ground running for 2018!

One of my main New Years Resolutions is to make regular updates on this website, I am forever paranoid how long ago it is since I last made a blog post.

For this reason, I am going to be making a few changes around here. As my work is so extremely varied, instead of making this site more focused on my illustrative/design work, I’m going to make it a showcase of everything I do.

This includes all of my ethical taxidermy work (Taxidermy Co.), hand-made crafts, wildlife photography, painting, graphic design work AND my illustration.

Over Christmas, I also have been learning the art of needle felting, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for ages, it’s super fun and addictive! Do you like my work in progress of a baby tawny owl?

I honestly have no idea what my job title is any more, I just create many things. So from now on I shall be known as ‘Krys The Creator’  hence the website domain name change. (It’s still me, don’t worry!)

As always, I am accepting commissions in any art form I am able to do, so feel free to get in touch!

– Krysten