Taxidermy Jedi Mice

As some of you know, one of my other hobbies apart from design and illustration is taxidermy. I started the brand ‘Perished Pets‘ in my final year at uni, when my love for taxidermy and design collided. I created and designed the logo, packaging, website and of course the animals!

A lot of people ask me how I got in to taxidermy…well, I’ve always been a bit weird and have collected natural history specimens including skulls, framed insects and taxidermy animals. I’ve always used animal anatomy within my artwork as it’s one of my main inspirations. Biology was always my second favourite subject at school as well (first being art of course) and I had this weird, morbid fascination with dissection (ever since I dissected a fish in science when I was about 9 years old) and finding out how all of the things inside us make us work properly and keep us going. I figured that having a love of art, animals and biology…taxidermy would be the perfect hobby for me as it includes all 3 of these aspects and I always loved the thought of bringing an animal back to life, instead of it going to waste and rotting by a roadside with hundreds of people going ‘ew’ at it as they drive by.

I attended a taxidermy day course hosted by the wonderful Amanda Sutton of ‘Amanda’s Autopsies‘ at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in central London. I learnt the basics on how to taxidermy a rat, it was great. From that day on I was hooked and immediately acquired all of the tools & equipment to start practicing at home.

I am an ethical taxidermist, which means the animals I taxidermy were not killed for the purpose of taxidermy and are either roadkill specimens or are from frozen zoo food companies.

Due to the forthcoming release of Star Wars The Force Awakens, which is out later this month, I thought it was a good idea to get some Star Wars inspired taxidermy out there! I created some little ‘Jedi’ fighting mice which come complete with miniature lightsabers and hand made robes. I hope you enjoy them!

They are looking for new homes (as well as a few other Perished Pets) and available for adoption now.

Click here to visit the adoption shop!